


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学 » 202-3 中性子源・中性子工学

[1D01-06] 加速器中性子源

2017年3月27日(月) 10:20 〜 12:00 D会場 (16号館 16-204教室)

座長:渡辺 賢一 (名大)

10:50 〜 11:05

[1D03] Status of J-PARC Transmutation Experimental Facility Program

(3)Numerical design analyses for the TEF-T lead-bismuth spallation target

*Tao Wan1, Hironari Obayashi1, Toshinobu Sasa1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

キーワード:J-PARC, ADS, TEF-T, Lead-bismuth spallation target, CFD, structural analysis, safety margin

To improve the safety margin of TEF-T lead-bismuth spallation target, it is necessary to eliminate the stagnant flow region in liquid lead-bismuth and to reduce the stress level on the target vessel. For this purpose, the target design has been performed by applying the CFD analyses and the structural analyses. Results showed that the safety margin of target can be improved effectively by the modification of target inner structure.