


IV. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 401-2 核燃料とその照射挙動

[1I13-17] 燃料被覆管特性

2017年3月27日(月) 16:25 〜 17:50 I会場 (16号館 16-304教室)

座長:黒崎 健 (阪大)

17:10 〜 17:25

[1I16] The development of self-healing coating on zirconium alloy

*Zhengang Duan1, Huilong Yang2, Sho Kano2, Kenta Murakami2, Hiroaki Abe2 (1. Tohoku University, 2. The University of Tokyo)

キーワード:self-healing, coaing, cladding

The well-known inherent demerits of Zr-based alloys such as rapid oxidation and hydrogen production at high-temperature steam, especially in the case of the lost-of-coolant accident (LOCA), cannot be altered by optimizing the Zr-alloy chemical composition and/or their manufactory processes alone, which was highlighted further by the Fukushima accident.The coating technology is much more economic than substitutes for Zr-base alloys without the necessity to modify the base materials, contributing to the possibility for commercial application in the very near term. In addition, the self-healing coating, which can repair the damages automatically, or by an external trigger, is much more attractive. A new conception of self-healing coating has been proposed, and is under development.