


III. 核分裂工学 » 304-1 伝熱・流動(エネルギー変換・輸送・貯蔵を含む)

[2K10-15] 福島第一発電所事故関連1

2017年3月28日(火) 14:45 〜 16:20 K会場 (16号館 16-306教室)

座長:奈良林 直 (北大)

15:45 〜 16:00

[2K14] Assessment of Core Status of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants

(88)Suppression Pool thermal-hydraulics analysis of Fukushima Daichii Unit-2 using POOL-3D module of the SAMPSON code

*Antonio BUCCIO1, Marco Pellegrini1, Masanori Naito1 (1. THE INSTITUTE OF APPLIED ENERGY)

キーワード:Thermal-Hydraulics, Suppression Chamber, Thermal Stratification, Several Accident

A different S/C pool module, called POOL-3D, has been introduced in the SAMPSON code and the pool has been modeled using a multi-node finite volume approach. The S/C has been discretized using a detailed mesh in order to capture the thermal stratification generated by the steam injection and reproduce the PCV pressure transient. In this work, the first 70 hours after the earthquake were simulated focusing on the S/C pool thermal-hydraulics parameters. The calculated results can help to understand how the S/C pool conditions affect the PCV.