9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
[3F01] Study on the Minor Actinide Transmutation utilizing Monju Data
(12)MA transmutation representative reactor core
Keywords:Mino actinide, Transmutation, SFR, Sodium void reactivity, Effective void reactivity, ULOF
We are developing an MA transmutation fast reactor core concept to achieve harmonization of a large amount of MA transmutation and reduction of sodium void reactivity. In this study, we propose an MA homogeneous loading core with sodium plenum and axially heterogeneous core configuration which was chosen as a representative MA transmutaion core. In addition, the advantage of the MA homogeneous loading core will be shown from the ULOF event analysis result using the plant point kinetics program which can consider reactivity feedback due to the boiling of the coolant in a sodium plenum region.