


IV. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 405-1 放射性廃棄物処理

[3L06-10] 核種分離・回収技術2

2017年3月29日(水) 10:45 〜 12:00 L会場 (16号館 16-503教室)

座長:立花 優 (長岡技科大)

11:45 〜 12:00

[3L10] Selective Extraction of Soft Metal Ions in Nitric Acid Solution by a New Ionic Liquid including TPEN Structure

*Hao Wu1, Yusuke Inaba1, Kenji Takeshita1 (1. Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle Unit, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Tech)

キーワード:hydrophobic, ionic liquid, TPEN structure, Cd2+

A novel hydrophobic ionic liquid including TPEN structure ((IL-TPEN)+NTf2-) was successfully synthesized and its extraction behavior of Cd2+ and Zn2+ from nitric acid solution was investigated. The maximum separation factor of Cd2+ and Zn2+ was obtained as 8 at pH 2.