2018 Fall Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

IV. Nuclear Plant Technologies » 402-1 Nuclear Safety Engineering (Safety Design, Safety Assessment/Analysis, Management)

[3P08-09] Prevention of Nuclear Disaster

Fri. Sep 7, 2018 11:25 AM - 12:00 PM Room P (E21 -E Building)

Chair:Tomohiko Ikegawa(Hitachi)

11:40 AM - 11:55 AM

[3P09] Effectiveness of the association between the containment vessel failure time and the evacuation time in nuclear disaster emergency preparedness

*KAZUFUMI NAGASHIMA1, Nakahiro Yasuda1 (1. Research Institute of Nuclear Engineeing, Fukui University)

Keywords:Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, Act on special measures concerning nuclear emergency preparedness, Severe Accident, Evacuation Time Estimate

To support effective decision-making of protective actions considering radiation exposure and secondary disaster, we associated CV failure time and evacuation time for PAZ residents of domestic PWR. It was evaluated that sheltering-in-place is effective in most cases; evacuation was effective in some SA sequences and areas.