5:05 PM - 5:20 PM
[2C17] Study on Applicability of Laser Coating Removal Technique to Nuclear Power Plant
(4)Decontamination test for radioactive metallic wastes
Keywords:Laser Decontamination, Coating removal by Laser, Fiber Laser, Decommissioning, Metallic Waste
As part of research and development toward application of laser film removal equipment to nuclear power plants, we have created a decontamination system for safely treating and processing radioactive fumes generated during laser decontamination, in a nuclear power plant. A decontamination test was conducted using the contaminated metal wastes. The contaminated surface of metal wastes such as FDW piping was treated with a fiber laser that named ”CoolLaser” (manufactured by Toyokoh Co., Ltd.) , and obtained decontamination factor (DF) was up to 19.8.