2019 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

VI. Fusion Energy Engineering » 601-2 Fusion Reactor Material Science (Reactor and Blanket Materials, Irradiation Behavior)

[1O01-07] Tungsten Materials (Behavior of Hydrogen Isotope)

Wed. Mar 20, 2019 10:00 AM - 11:55 AM Room O (Common Education Bildg. 2 4F No.46)

Chair:Takeshi Toyama(Tohoku Univ.)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

[1O06] Influence of long discharge on hydrogen retention capacity of tungsten exposed to hydrogen plasma in QUEST

*koike ayaka1, togari akihiro2, nakata moeko2, zhao mingzhong2, sun fei1, yosida naoaki3, hanada kazuaki3, ooya yasuhisa1 (1. Faculty of science,Shizuoka uni., 2. Graduate school of science and Technology, Shizuoka univ., 3. Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu uni.)

Keywords:tungsten, QUEST, plasma exposed, Hydrogen isotope retention behavior

To evaluate the hydrogen isotope retention behavior in tungsten exposed to plasma at QUEST. The chemical state and the retention behavior of hydrogen isotope were investigated by XPS measurement and TDS, respectively. The retention behavior was associated with the damage and deposition which are depended on the discharge condition and sample position in QUEST.