15:00 〜 15:15
[2E11] 核変換による高レベル放射性廃棄物の大幅な低減・資源化
(4-2) 代理反応を用いた7979(n,g)80Se反応断面積評価
Surrogate reactions of 77,79Se(d,p) were measured in inverse kinematics to evaluate the neutron capture reaction on one of the long-lived fission products of 79Se at OEDO beam line in RIBF. The gamma emission probability from the unbound highly excited states of 78,80Se by using a new technique were measured model-indepently. The gamma emission probabilities with the theoretical compound nucleus formation cross section reproduces the cross section of 77Se(n,g) which was directly measured. The neutron capture cross sections on 77,79Se were evaluated experimentally for the first time, which are in good agreement with current compilation data. In this talk, the detailed experimental setup as well as the resultant cross sections will be given.