


V. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 505-3 原子力施設の廃止措置技術

[3C06-09] 様々な廃止措置技術

2019年3月22日(金) 10:55 〜 12:00 C会場 (共通教育棟2号館 1F 11番)

座長:青木 孝行(東北大)

11:40 〜 11:55

[3C09] 燃料デブリ回収工法案をNDFが定めた技術要件について検証


*山敷 庸亮1、Morishige haruo2、Watakabe Makito2、Kitamura Yasufumi2、Morishige Haruki2 (1. Kyoto University、2. Fukushima Nuclear Accident Countermeasures Review Group)

キーワード:福島事故対策、 燃料デブリ回収工法、技術要件、臨界、閉じ込め、保管容器

Reactor Damage and Decommissioning Facilities Organization (NDF) established technical requirements consisting of the following nine items in selecting "Fuel debris removal method" in 2015. (1) PCV · Ensure structural integrity of the building (2) Maintenance of criticality (3) Maintenance of cooling function (4) Construction of confinement function (5) Reduction of exposure during work (6) Development of equipment and equipment for removing fuel debris (7) Construction of access route to fuel debris (8) System equipment * 2, Construction of areas (9) Securing occupational safety. In this post, we studied this 9 items mainly on the fuel debris ice construction method proposed from us.