


V. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 504-2 核化学,放射化学,分析化学,アクチノイドの化学

[1E10-12] 分析技術2

2020年3月16日(月) 15:50 〜 16:40 E会場 (共通講義棟 M棟1F M-1)

座長:長谷川 秀一(東大)

16:20 〜 16:35

[1E12] Direct measurement of Cs-135 in Cs adsorbent used for water decontamination by laser-ablation ICP-MS

*Shiho Asai1, Masaki Ohata1, Yukiko Hanzawa2, Takuma Horita2, Takumi Yomogida2, Yoshihiro Kitatsuji2 (1. AIST, 2. JAEA)

キーワード:Cs-135, Contaminated water, Cs adsorbent, ICP-MS, laser ablation

A difficult-to measure long-lived radionuclide 135Cs can be found in Cs adsorbents that was used for water decontamination of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant along with 137Cs. In this study, we have developed a rapid determination technique of 135Cs that is characterized by direct measurement of the Cs adsorbent with laser-ablation ICP-MS, allowing to skip the elution and chemical separation procedures.