


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-1 炉物理,核データの利用,臨界安全

[1I01-04] 燃料デブリ臨界安全

2020年3月16日(月) 10:45 〜 11:55 I会場 (共通講義棟 M棟2F M-23)

座長:木村 礼(東芝ESS)

10:45 〜 11:00

[1I01] Criticality calculations of fuel debris in various conditions during falling down

*Anton Smirnov1、Ekaterina Bogdanova1、Georgy Tikhomirov1、竹澤 宏樹2、西山 潤3、小原 徹3 (1. ロシア国立原子力研究大学、2. 東京都市大、3. 東工大)

キーワード:Fuel debris、Monte Carlo、Criticality analysis

Tokyo Tech, TCU and MEPhI work together to develop advanced criticality analysis method for securing safety in removal work of Fukushima Daiichi fuel debris. Criticality calculations of fuel debris in various conditions during falling down were performed by universities. The Russian Monte Carlo code MCU was used and improved to perform debris modeling. Positions of fuel debris particles falling in water are calculated by Particleworks.