


VI. 核融合工学 » 601-2 核融合炉材料工学(炉材料,ブランケット,照射挙動)/601-1 プラズマ工学(慣性核融合を含む)

[1L06-09] プラズマ工学・照射挙動

2020年3月16日(月) 14:45 〜 15:50 L会場 (共通講義棟 S棟2F S-22)

座長:向井 啓祐(京大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[1L06] Influence of the cathode material on the neutron production rate of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion device

*Mahmoud Bakr1, Jan-Philipp Wulfkühler3, Kai Masuda 2, Keisuke Mukai1, Satoshi Konishi 1, Martin Tajmar3 (1. Kyoto University, Institute of Advanced Energy , 2. QST, Rokkasho Fusion Institute, 3. Institute of Aerospace Engineering TU Dresden, Germany )

キーワード:IEC, Fusion reaction, Electrodes

Fusion in the inertial electrostatic confinement (IEC) device is taking place via various kinds of collisions like beam-beam, beam-background gas, and beam-target on the electrode’s surfaces. The present work focuses on studying the influence of the electrode material on the neutron yield from the IEC device. Two cathodes made from stainless steel (SS) and titanium (Ti) in the buckyball shape, with 4 cm diameters, were used to perform the study. Experimental setup, conditions, and overview of the results will be presented and discussed in the meeting.