


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 201-1 原子核物理,核データ測定・評価・検証,核反応工学

[1O09-13] 中性子入射反応実験

2020年3月16日(月) 15:35 〜 16:55 O会場 (共通講義棟 S棟3F S-34)

座長:明午 伸一郎(JAEA)

16:05 〜 16:20

[1O11] High-Energy Measurement of the Neutron Capture Cross-Section of 237Np

*Gerard Rovira Leveroni1, Tatsuya Katabuchi1, Ken-ichi Tosaka1, Shota Matsuura1, Osamu Iwamoto2, Atsushi Kimura2, Shoji Nakamura2, Nobuyuki Iwamoto2, Kazushi Terada1 (1. Tokyo Tech, 2. JAEA)

キーワード:J-PARC, ANNRI, Neutron capture cross section, Minor Actinides, Time-of-flight measurement, CCONE, Nuclear data evaluation

The neutron capture cross section of Np-237 was measured at the ANNRI beamline of J-PARC. A final value for the capture cross section of 237Np is presented using two normalization techniques. The capture data was normalized at the first resonance using JENDL-4.0 and also using the total neutron flux obtained from a 197Au sample measurement in which the first resonance was completely saturated. This measurement results were complemented with calculations using CCONE code to estimate the PH spectrum under the detection threshold. Alongside these results, an analysis of the high-energy capture cross-section with CCONE was performed. An evaluated cross-section is presented using the experimental results.