11:35 AM - 11:50 AM
[3D07] Evaluation of Short and Long-Term Behavior of Radioactive Nuclides Distributed in Fukushima Daiichi NPP
5. Evaluation of short and long-term radioactive nuclide behavior in the contaminated water
Keywords:Fukushima Daiichi NPP, contaminated water, fisshion products, severe accident
The radioactive FPs in the contaminated water stored in the basement of T/B were constant for 6 years after the 1F accident, while 137Cs and 3T radioactivity concentrations have increased as reducing inventory of the water due to reducing ground water leakage. By applying the short/long term FP behavior evaluation procedure, it was explained that the increase in leakage water from the R/B due to water level between R/B and T/B resulted in increase in radioactivity in the contaminated water.