


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-2 炉設計と炉型戦略,核変換技術

[3H01-04] TRU核変換

2020年3月18日(水) 10:00 〜 11:10 H会場 (共通講義棟 M棟2F M-22)

座長:長家 康展(JAEA)

10:15 〜 10:30

[3H02] Minor actinides transmutation technology optimization methods

*Sergei Ryzhov1、Georgy Tikhomirov1、Toru Obara2 (1. ロシア国立原子力研究大学、2. 東工大)

キーワード:Minor Actinides、Transmutation、Сurium、Americium、Neptunium

Modern methods of minor actinides transmutation and burning out in reactors with different neutron spectrum are considered. The factors limiting the efficiency of transmutation and methods of their influence reducing are considered and analyzed. The influence of different minor actinides loads in the reactore core on the behavior of the reactor was evaluated. The effect of minor actinides loading during reacore core accidents is estimated.