


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-1 炉物理,核データの利用,臨界安全

[2B09-12] 解析手法開発1(燃焼)

2021年3月18日(木) 14:45 〜 16:00 B会場 (Zoomルーム2)

座長:遠藤 知弘 (名大)

15:15 〜 15:30

[2B11] Depletion calculation of subcritical system with consideration of spontaneous fission reaction

*Eka Sapta Riyana1, Keisuke Okumura1, Masahiro Sakamoto1, Taichi Matsumura1, Kenichi Terashima1 (1. JAEA)

キーワード:subcritical system, burnup calculation, subcriticality, spontaneous fission product, Monte Carlo calculation

We enabled to consider the spontaneous fission reaction in subcritical neutron multiplying system by modifying the OpenMC depletion calculation code version 0.11. With the code, it is possible to estimate the quantity of short half-life fission products in the subcritical system. As a demonstration and fuel debris storage preliminary study, the code was applied to the fuel debris storage canister filled with nuclear materials and spontaneous fission nuclides. As a result, the ability was successfully shown to provide the information on short half-life fission products over time and to provide the relationship between the activity ratio of 88Kr-to-135Xe and effective neutron multiplication factor.