


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 203-3 ビーム利用・ターゲット/203-4 放射光,レーザー/203-5 医療用原子炉・加速器

[2K09-13] 加速器・ビーム応用2

2021年3月18日(木) 15:55 〜 17:20 K会場 (Zoomルーム11)

座長:神戸 正雄 (阪大)

15:55 〜 16:10

[2K09] Three Dimensional Isotope-Selective Tomographic Imaging for 208Pb distribution based on Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence

*Khaled Ali1, Hideaki Ohgaki1, Heishun Zen1, Toshiteru Kii1, Takehito Hayakawa2, Toshiyuki Shizuma2, Hiroyuki Toyokawa3, Masahiro Katoh4,5, Masaki Fujimoto4, Yoshitaka Taira4 (1. Kyoto University, 2. QST, 3. AIST, 4. UVSOR, 5. Hiroshima University)

キーワード:Computed tomography (CT), Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF), Laser Compton scattering (LCS)

Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) is a promising technology for nuclear safeguards. It is capable of providing the shielded isotopic content inside spent nuclear fuel canisters. In previous, we have demonstrated a two-dimensional isotope selective imaging for the enriched 208Pb isotope distributions hidden inside an aluminum holder. In the current study, we perform an experimental study to visualize a three-dimensional tomographic image with the isotope selectivity ability for enriched isotope 208Pb implied together with enriched isotope 206Pb inside an aluminum cylinder holder. We excite the nuclear resonance of 208Pb isotope at the 5.512 MeV using the laser Compton scattering gamma-ray beam (LCS) with a maximum energy of 5.53 MeV available at the BL1U in the UVSOR-III. We obtained an isotope selective three-dimensional NRF-CT image of the 208Pb isotope distribution with a 4-mm pixel size resolution in the horizontal plane. In this presentation, we will discuss the development of the automatic acquisition system, image acquisition time, and the obtained 3D NRF-CT image quality.