2021 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 201-1 Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Data Measurement/Evaluation/Validation, Nuclear Reaction Technology

[3E09-12] Fission Theory 1

Fri. Mar 19, 2021 2:45 PM - 3:50 PM Room E (Zoom room 5)

Chair: Katsuhisa Nishio (JAEA)

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

[3E12] Study of fission dynamics with a multi-dimensional Langevin equation using Cassini shape parameterization

*Takahiro Wada1, Kazuki Okada1 (1. Fac. Eng. Sci., Kansai Univ.)

Keywords:fission dynamics, Langevin equation, Nuclear shape

Fission studies using the multi-dimensional Langevin equation play an important role in understanding the mass distribution of fission fragments in the actinide region. So far, the two-center shell model parametererization which is based on the quadrupole deformation of fragments has been widely used to describe the nuclear shapes. On the other hand, the Cassini shape parametererization has been used for the study of static deformation potential because it has a large freedom of shape and can describe various shapes. In this study, we apply the Cassini shape parametererization to the study of fission dynamics in the actinide region.