2021 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

V. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Nuclear Materials » 505-2 Waste Disposal and Its Environmental Aspects

[3J11-15] Migration/Sorption

Fri. Mar 19, 2021 3:35 PM - 5:00 PM Room J (Zoom room 10)

Chair: Hajime Takao (JGC)

4:35 PM - 4:50 PM

[3J15] Evaluation of the interaction between deep groundwater natural organic matter and metal ions using fluorescence spectroscopy and multivariate analysis

*Shusaku Nishi1, Takumi Saito1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Geological disposal, Natural Organic Matter(NOM), Fluorescence spectroscopy, PARAFAC, Quenching

It is known that natural organic matter (NOM) changes its migration behavior by complex formation with radionuclides. For the surface NOM, a model that can express the bond with metal ions under various conditions has been proposed. In order to use such a model in the safety evaluation of geological disposal, it is necessary to understand the binding reaction between the deep-underground NOM and nuclides. We focused on the fact the NOM fluorescence is quenched by binding to metal ions, and conducted quenching experiments, europium was added to the deep-groundwater. Then obtained fluorescence matrix, the fluorescent-component of NOM that contributes to the binding reaction was identified by using Parallel Factor Analysis, and compared with the surface NOM fluorescent-component.