


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 202-4 量子線の医学利用

[1B16-19] 医療用RI

2022年3月16日(水) 16:25 〜 17:30 B会場

座長:渡辺 賢一 (九大)

17:10 〜 17:25

[1B19] Preparation of porous MoO3 targets for producing 99Mo/99mTc

*Mai Ngoc Quach1, Chu Minh Ngo1, Ying Yang1, Binh Thanh Nguyen, Thai Van Nguyen, Thi Mai Dung Do1, Nakayama Tadachika1, Suematsu Hisayuki1 (1. Nagaoka University of Technology)

キーワード:99Mo/99mTc, porous wires, theoretically calculating, simulating MCNPX, irradiated experiment

The most widely used medical radioisotope, Technitium-99m (99mTc), is a daughter product of β- the decay of 99Mo. This research proposed a new target of porosity for the irradiation experiment. The 98Mo wire was heated to synthesis the porous structure 98MoO3, activity, and time irradiated was investigated by theoretically calculating and simulating with MCNPX code. Then all of the investigations will be verified by irradiated experiment in Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor.