


V. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 503-1 原子炉化学,放射線化学,腐食化学,水質管理

[1J01-04] 核種挙動

2022年3月16日(水) 09:30 〜 10:45 J会場

座長:和田 陽一 (日立)

09:30 〜 09:45

[1J01] 600℃以下の模擬事故環境下での水酸化セシウムとステンレス鋼の酸化鉄との反応

*譚 欣1、村上 健太2、鈴木 達也1 (1. 長岡技科大、2. 東大)


The reaction of CsOH with reactor structural materials may attenuate or delay the release to the environment under severe accident. Recent studies have shown reaction with stainless steel to form ferrite below 600 ℃. Besides, the oxide film on stainless steel in BWR environment normally has a double layer structure with Fe3O4 and Cr rich spinel. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of various chemical factors on the reaction of CsOH with Fe3O4. Specimens with different molar ratio of Cs and Fe would be heated at 300-600℃ under both inert(Ar) and vapor(Ar-H2O) atmospheres. XRD is used to identify the composition of specimens after heating.