2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

VI. Fusion Energy Engineering » 601-2 Fusion Reactor Material Science (Reactor and Blanket Materials, Irradiation Behavior)

[1L01-08] Liquid Metal Engineering in Fusion Reactor

Wed. Mar 16, 2022 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM Room L

Chair: Keisuke Mukai (Kyoto Univ.)

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

[1L06] Study on applicability of FeCrAl alloys for liquid metal components on fusion reactors

(3)Applicability of FeCrAl alloys in liquid diverter concepts

*Miyakawa Yukihiro1, Masatoshi Kondo1, Teruya Tanaka2, Naoko Oono3 (1. Tokyo Tech, 2. NIFS, 3. Yokohama Natl. Univ)

Keywords:Liquid diverter, Liquid metal tin, Corrosion, FeCrAl alloys

Liquid metal tin (Sn) is candidate material of liquid diverter, but it has chemical compatibility issue with structural material. Therefore, the corrosion resistant materials must be explored and the corrosion rate should be clarified. In the present study, the corrosion tests with FeCrAl alloys were performed in liquid Sn at static and mixing flow conditions, and the effect of flow on the corrosion was investigated. FeCrAl alloys and RAFM steel JLF-1 were pre-oxidized and covered by protective oxide layers of α-Al2O3 and Cr2O3, respectively. The weight loss of FeCrAl alloys were compared with that of previous corrosion tests of liquid metal Sn and various materials (steels and nickel-based alloys). The corrosion was significantly mitigated by the protective oxide layers.