2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 201-1 Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Data Measurement/Evaluation/Validation, Nuclear Reaction Technology

[2A10-15] Nuclear Reaction Theory

Thu. Mar 17, 2022 2:45 PM - 4:25 PM Room A

Chair: Futoshi Minato (JAEA)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

[2A14] Research in spins, relative orbital angular momenta and their correlation of fission fragments by Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

*Jingde Chen1, Akira Ono2, Masaaki Kimura3, Chikako Ishizuka1, Satoshi Chiba1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2. Tohoku University, 3. Hokkaido University)

Keywords:Spin, Relative orbital angular momenta, AMD

A complete microscopic theory based on quantum many-body problem is still lacking. In those microscopic theories which try to describe nuclear fission, it is very difficult to deal with the generation and distribution of spins and relative orbital angular momenta of fragments. Recently, there appear papers about the experimental results on spins of fission fragments in Nature journal as well as theoretical attempts based on density functional theory. We use Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics to simulate scission of 252Cf and calculate the spin and relative orbital angular momenta including their correlations.