2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 201-1 Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Data Measurement/Evaluation/Validation, Nuclear Reaction Technology

[2A16-21] Uncertainty Quantification, Fission Product Yield and Decay Data

Thu. Mar 17, 2022 4:25 PM - 6:00 PM Room A

Chair: Shinsuke Nakayama (JAEA)

5:25 PM - 5:40 PM

[2A20] Calculations on Fission Product Yields and Fission Observables by Nuclear-Reaction Code TALYS

(2)From Independent Fission Product Yields to Beta-Decay Observables

*Shin Okumura1, Kazuki Fujio2, Arjan Koning1, Satoshi Chiba2 (1. IAEA, 2. Tokyo Tech)

Keywords:Fission Product Yield, Beta decay

TALYS is a nuclear-reaction program that simulates nuclear reactions with the Hauser-Feshbach statistical decay theory. We applied the Hauser-Feshbach statistical decay to the de-excitations of fission fragments. The characteristics of fission fragments, Y(Z, A, Eex, Jπ) that are used as inputs of TALYS calculations, were imported from several models.
In our series of presentations, (1) we describe the definition of fission fragment distributions, Y(Z, A, Eex, Jπ), and the method that TALYS calculates the de-excitation of fission fragments. The simultaneously calculated independent fission product yields and other fission observables up to 5 MeV incident neutrons were compared with experimental and evaluated data. In presentation (2), we show the calculated results of the beta-decay observables by the beta-decay code that we developed.