2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 202-3 Neutron Source, Neutron Technology

[2B01-05] Application of Neutron Source and Target development

Thu. Mar 17, 2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Room B

Chair: Kaoru Sakasai (JAEA)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[2B02] Neutron Resonanse Absorption by Laser-driven Source -toward "Single Shot" Analysis-

*Akifumi Yogo1, Zechen Lan1, Takehito Hayakawa2, Yasunobu Arikawa1, Yuki Abe1, Seyed Reza Mirafayzi3, Mitsuo Koizumi4, Takato Mori1, Tianyun Wei1, Shisuke Fujioka1 (1. ILE, Osaka Univ, 2. QST, 3. Tokamak Eng Ltd, 4. JAEA)

Keywords:Laser-driven Neutron Source, Neutron Resonance Absorption

The laser-driven neutron source utilizes intense laser pulses focused on a thin-film as a primary target to produce MeV-energy ions (protons and deuterons) with an electric field induced by the plasmaa, which are then irradiated onto a secondary target (e.g. beryllium) to produce short pulses of fast neutrons. On the LFEX laser facility of Osaka University, we attached a small moderator to the secondary target and produced pulsed extrathermal neutrons. We analyzed the neutron spectra by using a Time-of-Flight detector located on the end of the 1.8 m beamline. The plates of silver (Ag), tantalum (Ta) and indium (In) were placed on the beamline and resonance absorption dips were measured at 3.81 eV (115In), 4.28 eV (181Ta) and 5.19 eV (109Ag). These resonant absorption spectra were measured with neutrons generated by a single laser pulse. In my talk I will discuss the details of the experimental results and their possible application to future single-shot analyses.