3:30 PM - 3:45 PM
[2E12] PLANDTL-2 Experiment for Evaluation of Decay Heat Removal in Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors
Transient Characteristics of Core Cooling Behavior by Dipped-type Direct Heat Exchanger
Keywords:Sodium-cooled fast reactor, Sodium experiment, Decay heat removal, Dipped-type direct heat exchanger, Transient characteristics
As a part of the safety enhancement of sodium-cooled fast reactors, PLANDTL-2, which has multiple rows of simulated core with 30 heating channels by electric heaters and 25 no-heating channels, experiments have been carried out. In this study, transient characteristics of core cooling were focused on under the dipped-type direct heat exchanger (D-DHX) operation. As the results, it was confirmed that the excessively high temperature was not observed near the central part of the core under the transient of decay heat removal by D-DHX.