


V. 核燃料サイクルと材料 » 502-1 原子炉材料,環境劣化,照射効果,評価・分析技術

[2J09-14] 照射効果

2022年3月17日(木) 16:00 〜 17:45 J会場

座長:太田 宏一 (電中研)

16:00 〜 16:15

[2J09] Stability and growth of radiation defects influenced by cascade damage at different fluxes

*Dongyue Chen1, Kenta Murakami1, Huilong Yang1, Hiroaki Abe1, Naoto Sekimura1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

キーワード:Flux effects, Combined irradiation, Cascade damage, Defect stability

Flux effect is always a big concern when acceleration experiments are designed to test material ageing process. Combined irradiation was found to be a promising method to study flux effects, via which defects are created in the first irradiation, and the change of those defects is directly compared before and after the second irradiation using TEM foil specimens. When the second irradiation was performed at high temperature, as we did in our previous study, point defect diffusion at different fluxes was focused on. In this work, the second irradiation was performed at room temperature, which limited point defect diffusion and focused more on the cascade damage at different fluxes. The stability or growth of the defects during the second irradiation was quantitatively analyzed and discussed.