


VI. 核融合工学 » 601-2 核融合炉材料工学(炉材料,ブランケット,照射挙動)

[2L05-07] 核融合炉材料工学

2022年3月17日(木) 11:00 〜 12:00 L会場

座長:波多野 雄治 (富山大)

11:15 〜 11:30

[2L06] Effects of annealing temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of high purity vanadium alloys

*申 晶潔1,2、長坂 琢也1,2、齋藤 千貴2、時谷 政行1,2、室賀 健夫1,2、笠田 竜太3 (1. 核融合研、2. 総研大、3. 東北大)

キーワード:High purity vanadium alloy、Annealing、Precipitation、Hardness、Tensile properties

Low-activation vanadium alloy is regarded as a candidate structural material for fusion reactor. To shorten the recycling periods of vanadium alloy after fusion reactor shutdown, high purity vanadium alloys containing about 300 mass ppm interstitial impurities (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen) with various levels of titanium and chromium concentrations were developed at NIFS. In this study, aiming at revealing the precipitation and recrystallization behavior of the high purity vanadium alloys, the effects of annealing temperature on microstructure and mechanical property of cold-rolled vanadium alloys were investigated.