2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 202-2 Radiation Physics, Radiation Detection and Measurement

[3B06-09] Novel Detection Technique

Fri. Mar 18, 2022 10:55 AM - 12:00 PM Room B

Chair: Mitsuhiro Nogami (Tohoku Univ.)

11:40 AM - 11:55 AM

[3B09] Research on the perturbed angular correlation in double-photon emission nuclides using magnetic field

*Taisei Ueki1, Fumiki Sensui1, Mizuki Uenomachi2, Zhong Zhihong1, Kenji Shimazoe1, Hideki Tomita3,4, Kei Kamada5, Hiroyuki Takahashi1 (1. UTokyo , 2. RIKEN, 3. Nagoya Univ., 4. JST , 5. Tohoku Univ.)

Keywords:Nuclear Medicine, Angular Correlation, Double Photon

The nucleus has the property that they are caused precessional motion (Larmor precession) by an external magnetic field. In this research, we investigated that inducing the Larmor precession of the nucleus and the angular correlation can be changed by applying a static magnetic field to the two-photon emitting nuclide.