2022 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

II. Radiation, Accelerator, Beam and Medical Technologies » 202-2 Radiation Physics, Radiation Detection and Measurement

[3B10-14] Photon Detection Technique 3

Fri. Mar 18, 2022 2:45 PM - 4:10 PM Room B

Chair: Mariko Segawa (JAEA)

3:00 PM - 3:15 PM

[3B11] Compton imaging system with SOI and Scintillator

*Zhihong Zhong1, Kenji Shimazoe1, Hiroyuki Takahashi1, Lan Zhang1, Mizuki Uenomachi2 (1. UTokyo, 2. RIKEN)

Keywords:Compton Imaging, SOI, Scintillator

Compton imaging is a promising imaging technique that is used in areas such as Astronomy, nuclear medicine and nuclear powerplant site investigation. To reach a balance between the precision of measurement and the overall detection efficiency, an integrated system consisting of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) with scintillator array has been proposed and tested. As the result, the system shows an excellent energy measurement capability, which leads to high quality of reconstructed image. What’s more, the pixelized SOI sensor enables the possibility of electron-tracking technique that would further increase the quality of Compton imaging.