3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
[3J10] Development of accident tolerant control rod
(6)Compatibility between novel neutron absorber and silicon carbide at High temperature
Keywords:accident tolerant fuel, neutron absorber, rare earth element, silicon carbide, light water reactor, control rod
CRIEPI is developing accident tolerant control rods (ATCR) that achieve both advanced utilization of light water reactor fuel and improved core safety. When accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) is put into practical use, it is assumed that the same material as the fuel cladding tube will be used for the control rod cladding tube. We are studying the compatibility between the novel neutron absorber and the candidate control rod cladding tube material under the prospected accident conditon at high temperature. As a result of interaction between the rare earth-zirconium mixed oxide as the novel absorber and silicon carbide as candidate cladding tube material at 2000 ° C or lower in an inert atmosphere, the loss of geometry of the novel absorber was found to be limited in the early stages of a severe accident.