
Presentation information

Self-planned Round-table

[SRT1] Infants’ Perception and Understanding of the Social World: A Neuroscience Perspective

Sat. Jun 12, 2021 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Room2

企画:白野 陽子(慶應義塾大学)

話題提供:白野 陽子、Bulgarelli Chiara、小林 恵、Pirazzoli Laura

指定討論:辻 晶

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

[SRT1-01] Infants’ Perception and Understanding of the Social World: A Neuroscience Perspective

*白野 陽子1、Bulgarelli Chiara2、小林 恵3、Pirazzoli Laura4、辻 晶5 (1. 慶應義塾大学、2. University College London、3. 愛知県医療療育総合センター発達障害研究所、4. Boston Children’s Hospital、5. 東京大学ニューロインテリジェンス国際研究機構)



企画者:白野 陽子(慶應義塾大学)
指定討論者:辻 晶(東京大学)

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on physical social interactions, and as a result, face-to-face interactions are now replaced by virtual communication. Given that social input from the environment during infancy plays an essential role for typical development, there is a pressing need to understand how infants perceive and interpret the social world around them. Although it is known that infants are equipped with biases to preferentially orient to ostensive social signals (e.g., faces with direct gaze, infant-directed speech, social touch, and interactive contingency), the contribution of cognitive, psychosocial, and environmental factors to the development of brain mechanisms underlying the processing of such social information still remain unclear. The increasing body of neuroimaging research has provided valuable insights into the early development of brain processes that underpin social perception; we are beginning to understand how the social brain develops and becomes functional in early infancy. In particular, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which can measure spatially localized brain response while having the advantage of being a non-invasive, portable, relatively low-cost, and less sensitive to motion artifacts, provided a new avenue for measuring brain activity in more challenging populations and in more naturalistic settings. This symposium will bring together a series of cutting-edge fNIRS studies that address the question of how a variety of factors impact the development of social perceptual abilities by providing novel insights into social brain function during the first year of life.

Infants’ brain responses to social contingency during real-life interactions: An fNIRS study
話題提供者:白野 陽子(慶應義塾大学)

Using fNIRS to study the impact of early adversity infant social perception: The Brain Imaging for Global Health project in The Gambia.
話題提供者:Chiara Bulgarelli(University College London)

The neural responses to bodies and faces in motion in infants’ brain investigated by fNIRS
話題提供者:小林 恵(愛知県医療療育総合センター発達障害研究所)

Using fNIRS to assess social cognition in urban Bangladeshi infants and toddlers
話題提供者:Laura Pirazzoli(Boston Children’s Hospital)

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