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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 7, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM 第I会場

司会:鄭 一止(熊本県立大学)、武田 裕之(大阪大学大学院)

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[8] Study on Ideal Way of Time Parking from City Center Revitalization

○Daiki Matsubara1, Toshiya Matsukawa2, Bumpei Nakade2 (1. TONICHI ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS,INC., 2. Nagaoka University of Technology)

Keywords:City Center Revitalization, Time Parking, Local City, Parking Policy, Increase of Visitors

This study aims to clarify the conditions of time parking in local cities trying to revitalize the central city area, and to propose the way of time parking for both municipality and users to revitalize the area.

We find the following from questionnaire and interviews with local governments and parking lot users.

1) Only about 20% of local governments know both the location of parking lots and the number of parkable cars.

2) Although there is a difference depending on the intended use, it is effective to maintain the parking lot within 300m from each destination to the parking lot, especially 100 to 200m for private use.

3) Since parking lot measures alone will not increase the number of visitors, parking lot measures combined with public facilities or with multi-purpose commercial facilities by the introduction of private vitality should be implemented when increase of visitors are expected.