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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 7, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM 第I会場

司会:鄭 一止(熊本県立大学)、武田 裕之(大阪大学大学院)

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

[11] Evaluation of Accessibility by Scenario of Compaction

- Case Study of Kumamoto City -

○Tatsuya Tanizaki1, Takuro Inohae1 (1. Saga Univ.)

Keywords:Accessibility, City Compactness, Location Normalization Plan, Population Density

In the future, urban decline is concerned because of various issues such as aging and population decline, therefore it is important to increase the convenience of mobility and the accessibility of many living services. Also a location normalization plan has been enforced in 2014 and this plan is a compactness policy that aims to be more desirable city for looking after 20 years. Therefore, in this study, we made estimate the future population and carried out the simulation of the compactness by population aggregation. Then, we evaluated accessibility by scenario of compaction for Kumamoto city, which has a location normalization plan. As a result, it became clear that the simulated scenario of compactness can maintain the current level in terms of accessibility.