
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 7, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM 第V会場

司会:桑野 将司(鳥取大学大学院)、円山 琢也(熊本大学)

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[63] Analysis of Factors Influencing Parking Choice Behavior by Visitors to Shopping Areas of the City Center

○Yasuhito Tanaka1, Michiyasu Odani2, Kazuki Terayama3 (1. University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, 2. Kobe University, 3. National Institute of Technology, Ishikawa College)

Keywords:Parking Choice Behavior, Shopping Areas of the City Center, Parking Location and Duration

This study aims to analyze the factors influencing parking choice behavior by visitors to shopping areas of the city center. The findings are based on questionnaire survey data to users of parking lots in the central area of Kobe City. First, we show the difference in parking behavior between users and non-users of parking lots designated for customers (parking discount is provided). Next, we examine the factors affecting simultaneous choice behavior of parking location and duration by non-users of those parking lots, using Type II Tobit model. We also develop parking location choice model by parking hours using multinomial logit model so as to reveal changes in the importance of parking fee compared to walking distance to destinations when parking duration becomes longer.