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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 7, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:20 PM 第VI会場

司会:飯田 晶子(東京大学大学院)、愛甲 哲也(北海道大学大学院)、川澄 厚志(金沢大学)、山崎 隆之(香川大学)

10:00 AM - 10:20 AM

[71] A study on Japanese Guerrilla Gardening "Katte-Kosaku" as deviant act on riverbed from the perspective of social well-being

○Ken Muramatsu1, Akane Bessho2, Takahiro Yamazaki2, Akiko Iida2, Makoto Yokohari2 (1. Independent, 2. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:deviant act, illegal cultivation, Guerrilla Gardening, riberbed, well-being

In Japan, illegal cultivation practiced on riverbeds is often perceived negatively by the public. However, guerrilla gardening, a similar phenomenon of illegal cultivation, is positively recognized in other parts of the world including Europe and North America. By using the term “Katte-Kosaku (勝手耕作)” to conduct an unbiased analysis, this study aims to identify welfare functions of Katte-Kosaku through a case study in Chiba City. The results show that Katte-Kosaku provided support to socially vulnerable people, and the act of Katte-Kosaku was accepted by some people surrounding it. Ultimately, this paper reveals that more research is required to further advance the discourse on whether Katte-Kosaku can be positively recognized by Japanese society.