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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 7, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:20 PM 第VI会場

司会:飯田 晶子(東京大学大学院)、愛甲 哲也(北海道大学大学院)、川澄 厚志(金沢大学)、山崎 隆之(香川大学)

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

[74] The Perspective of Fires and Floods to Read the Transformation and Preservation Process of the Castle-town Structures in Matsue

○Rena Koseki1, Eiji Hato1 (1. School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Fires, Floods, Modernization, Castle town, Matsue, Street planning

Matsue, the research area, has rich castle-town structures such as streets and moats, but it has repeatedly experienced transformations of transportation, as well as disasters like fires and floods, after modernization. This study aims to reveal how the city changed and passed down its historic urban structures after faced at modernization and disasters, analyzing the process of city transformation from these three perspectives: infrastructures and city planning, population and land price, and the form of plots. From this analysis, it is revealed that fires and floods caused district improvements at the city center, the retention of moats and the centrality of Ohashi bridge, as well as demographic movement from the center to the fringe, and then the fringe to the suburb. Moreover, this paper shows the transformation of the urban structure influenced the transformation process of plots, which characterizes the historic culture of each district.