
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 7, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM 第VI会場

司会:横田 樹広(東京都市大学)

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

[81] Municipal support for community garden in the framework of the Social City Programme of Berlin, Germany

○Naomi Shimpo1, Naotaka Ota2 (1. University of Tsukuba, 2. University of Hyogo)

Keywords:urban gardening, community garden, governance, green space management, communicative planning

Community gardens are regarded as multifunctional spaces that can mitigate social problems; however, there are difficulties in the stability of their management and municipal support is needed. This study demonstrates how the Social City Programme of Berlin supports community gardens as a tool of residential environment improvement. Interviews with relevant actors revealed that the programme supported community gardens through district management in selected areas with challenges in the social structure. Concretely, the district management offices provide subsidies for initial or intermediate costs to garden projects and collaborate with nonprofit organizations and companies which play a role as garden coordinator. In conclusion, the programme helps both new and existing garden projects in terms of financial support and networking.