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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM 第II会場

司会:近藤 明子(四国大学)

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[109] The construction characteristics and the location characteristics of day care facilities and visiting care offices, and the relationship between them and the location of the potential user's housing

A case study of metropolitan suburbs, Aoba, Tsuzuki and Midori district in Yokohama city

○Gyosuke Yamaguchi1, Shin Aiba1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

Keywords:Metropolitan suburbs, Day care facilities and visiting care offices, Construction characteristics, Location characteristics, Potential user's population

We clarified the construction and location characteristics of day care facilities and visiting care offices in the metropolitan suburbs. From the viewpoint of construction characteristics, over 70% of day care facilities and visiting care office are constructed converting the existing buildings, especially used a store or an office. And from the view point of the location characteristics, the facilities and offices are centrally located in the particular zoning areas, category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, quasi-residential districts and neighborhood commercial districts. And over 75% of them are located within 0.5km from railway stations. These locations mostly correspond with the location of the potential user’s population. But some areas such as the area low-rise residential area spreading, and the area many facilities and offices are concentrated, have a problem for efficient service provision.