
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM 第IV会場

司会:板谷 和也(流通経済大学)、円山 琢也(熊本大学)

2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

[140] A Study of LRT Project Planning with Successful Social Involvement

Based on Field Survey of European 14 cities

○Fumiko K. Perry1, Naoyuki Tsukamoto2 (1. Osaka Sangyo University, 2. Scadron Co. Ltd.)

Keywords:LRT project planning, social consensus, maesuring factors of effectiveness, interview survey

Various cities in Japan face difficulty to realize LRT(Light Rail Transit)projects. The authors performed site surveys and interview surveys at 14 European cities that have LRT to clarify the effective factors to pursue LRT projects. The analysis indicates the following as valuable clues toward successful LRT projects in Japan: the LRT project is positioned in the city's future vision and urban planning for a better quality of life beyond car traffic considerations. Evaluation categories include contributions to environmental issues and urban revitalization. Finally, important that the visual impact of a system and the planning information of the LRT project is open to the public to create public involvement.