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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:20 PM 第V会場

司会:津々見 崇(東京工業大学)、角 哲(名古屋市立大学大学院)

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

[143] Advocacy of the Industrial Retention in New York City in the Post-Industrial Era and its Effect on the Land Use System

Focusing on the Activities of the New York Industrial Retention Network

○Benika Morokuma1, Aya Kubota2 (1. Nikken Sekkei Research Institute, 2. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:industrial retention, New York City, zoning, NYIRN, gentrification, Brooklyn

Despite its image of the global financial and cultural hub, New York City has recently adopted the policy to retain industry, particularly manufacturing since the early twenty-first century. This so-called “industrial retention” has been mostly advocated by the private activists as the small-sized, urban manufacturers started to feel that they had difficulties in staying in the city in spite of their growing business due to the competing use in the manufacturing zones. In this research, the New York City Industrial Retention Network (NYIRN) , which is the main force behind the increasing awareness of industrial retention is to be analyzed, particularly focusing on how they developed, their activities and the effect on the city’s land use policy. NYIRN succeeded in influencing the city’s land use policy to some extent by introducing the zoning tools to restrict some competing uses in the manufacturing zones.