
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 第VI会場

司会:星野 裕司(熊本大学大学院)、白柳 洋俊(愛媛大学)、松井 大輔(新潟大学)

9:40 AM - 10:00 AM

[159] The Present of Referendum and Plannning cell in Germany

As a case of contoversy over the overall plan of poors in Bonn City

○Kenji Fukuchi1 (1. Doctor course,Graduate school of Social science Studies)

Keywords:Referendum, Planning Cell, Citizen participation, Random sampling, Germany

The purpose of this study is to introduce and discuss the letest case of the first referendum in Bonn and the subsequent plannnig cell conference.The background of the reseach is that first of all, this case is extremely unusual in the process of reaching the conference.Secondary,this conference has not been effectively practiced in realistic cases in Japan.Therefore,it is meaningful to report this case in shown the effectiveness of this conference to solve politically complex situation.