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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 第VI会場

司会:星野 裕司(熊本大学大学院)、白柳 洋俊(愛媛大学)、松井 大輔(新潟大学)

10:40 AM - 11:00 AM

[162] The characteristics of buildings and infrastructures by Oya-stone as industrial heritage in Utsunomiya

○Kaito Miura1, Takahiro Yamazaki1, Akiko Iida1, Makoto Yokohari1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Local materials, Local industry, Industrial heritage, Oya-stone

The study historically identifies how Oya-stone quarrying has been affecting the local use of Oya-stone by taking residential areas in Utsunomiya City as case study sites. Topographical maps and historical literatures were examined while interviews and field observations were conducted to identify historical changes of the industry and the use of Oya-stone. The study identifies that stone walls remaining in old districts are mainly made of Oya-stone with a rough texture quarried by hand, while relatively low quality rough-textured stones quarried by machines are mainly used for foundations in new town districts. These findings illustrate that the buildings and infrastructures of Oya-stone has been characterized by the way how the stones were quarried and used. It is therefore suggested that measures to conserve local buildings and infrastructures should reflect how local materials were used in response to the industries.