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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 8, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 第VI会場

司会:星野 裕司(熊本大学大学院)、白柳 洋俊(愛媛大学)、松井 大輔(新潟大学)

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

[165] A study on the characteristics of "Landscape management" by area management organization

Based on a national questionnaire survey and analysis for area management organizations in Japan

○Yuri Takagi1, Koichi Kana1, Hongwei Hsiao1 (1. Osaka City University Graduate School)

Keywords:Landscape Management (LM), Area Management Organization (AMO), Questionnaire Survey, Organization Types

In this study, we defined "Landscape Management" (LM) as an approach to manage the landscape of the area by various actors, and clarified the characteristics of LM operated by Area Management Organization (AMO) through a questionnaire survey throughout Japan. The framework of questionnaire for the analysis of LM includes indicators such as "operation of the design guidelines", "landscape formation activities", "management of public spaces", "measures for vacant houses and vacant land", "event efforts", "area management advertisement", "setting the sign". Second, we categorized these AMOs into several organization types according to their basis characteristics including location and activity purpose of area management and then analyzed the activity characteristics of LM of each type of them. As a result, AMO of "large city-mixed area type" and "large city-mature area type" performed more LM activities and evaluated the effect on the landscape by LM more positively than other types.