
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 6, 2021 12:40 PM - 3:00 PM 第III会場 (共通講義棟C EL26)

司会:畠山 雄豪(東北工業大学)、福田 由美子(広島工業大学)

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

[35] Consideration of issues and improvements found from the analysis of evaluation surveys of non-farming citizen agricultural organizations

From the questionnaire of the persons concerned with the non-farming citizens agriculture organization Kengyou Agriculture in Koryo Town

○Ikuko Omi1, Toru Nakayama1 (1. Nara Women's University)

Keywords:Urban agriculture, Non-farming citizens agriculture, Non-farming citizens agriculture organization

The number of member and sales are increasing at the Non-farming citizens Agriculture Organization in Koryo Town, Nara Prefecture. Members of the organization grow vegetables and sale them. But it only covers the expenses, not the salary. It is still volunteer organization. However, in the evaluation surveys by the persons concerned, it was found that the evaluation was high evaluation in many fields and the satisfaction was high evaluation. Dealers and governments also appreciate the quality of vegetables. The number of farmers who grow vegetables is expected to decrease. Dealers and governments are expecting the development of the organization. The members also highly value the quality of the vegetables. On the other hand, farmers had a low evaluation of vegetable quality, revealing a difference in their awareness of agriculture. The next issue is cooperation with farmers.