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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 6, 2021 9:40 AM - 12:00 PM 第IV会場 (共通講義棟C EL35)

司会:柏﨑 梢(東洋大学)、小林 敏樹(北九州市立大学)

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

[39] Study on the Situation of Subsidy of Regional Revitalization Base Construction from the viewpoint of Rural Area Base Formation

Yuya Sato1, ○Hiroko Yamamoto2, Shirou Tsuboi3 (1. National Institute of Technology, Toyota College, 2. Aichi Prefecture, 3. Toyohashi University of Technology)

Keywords:Rural Area Base, Subsidy of Regional Revitalization Base Construction, Spatial Planning

This study understands the situation in nationwide of Subsidy of Regional Revitalization Base Construction(SRRBC) from the viewpoint of rural area base formation. In this study, we clarify the followings. The coordination between spatial plan of municipalities and SRRBC was insufficient. In addition, 75.7% of SRRBC are used in loose land use regulation area. Furthermore, the number of SRRBC aimed at forming rural area base was small among SRRBC in city planning area. On the other hand, among SRRBC adopted out of city planning area, SRRBC aimed at forming rural area base were carried out in places where government office function and life functions are concentrated. Based on these results, this study proposed adding cooperation with spatial plan of municipalities as an evaluation index when examining SRRBC.