
Presentation information

Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 6, 2021 9:40 AM - 12:00 PM 第IV会場 (共通講義棟C EL35)

司会:柏﨑 梢(東洋大学)、小林 敏樹(北九州市立大学)

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

[41] Comparison of Population Density in the Residential Promotion Area as Evaluation Index of Urban Facility Location Plan and the Actual Density Structure in the Urban Area

○Hayate Otsuki2, Akira Maruoka3, Toshiya Matsukawa1, Bumpei Nakade1 (1. Nagaoka University of Technology, 2. PACIFIC CONSULTANTS CO.,LTD., 3. Eight-Japan Engineering Consultants Inc.)

Keywords:Urban Facility Location Plan, Residential Promotion Area, Population Density Target, Population Projection

This study aims to suggest the future goal setting for Urban Facility Location Plan by grasping the characteristics of the population density target and evaluating the feasibility on the premise of residential guidance from Urbanization Promotion Area outside Residential Promotion Area, for local cities that have established the plan. We conduct hearing surveys to each local city. As a result, we find that many cities, including those with high feasibility, have set population density targets without considering specific housing guidance, and have not verified the feasibility.

We think that it is important to set a population density target that assumes specific residential guidance while assuming that a certain population density will be secured even in Urbanization Promotion Area outside the Residential Promotion Area.