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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 6, 2021 12:40 PM - 3:00 PM 第IV会場 (共通講義棟C EL35)

司会:大門 創(國學院大學)、沼田 麻美子(東京工業大学)

1:00 PM - 1:20 PM

[43] A Study on the Designation of Urban Function Guided Area of Location Normalization Plan in Non-area Divided City

-Focusing on Suburban Commercial Concentrated Area-

○Kanto KIYOTA1, Takefumi KUROSE2 (1. Research Institute of Architecture, 2. Faculty of Human-Environmental Studies, Kyushu University)

Keywords:Location Normalization Plan, Non-area Divided City, Suburbanization, Compact City

This study aims to clarify the relationship between Urban Function Guided Area (UFGA) in Location Normalization Plan (LNP) and suburban commercial concentrated area, and problems regarding setting UFGA in non-area divided cities. Through the case studies of 6 cities, where the commercial functions have suburbanized while the old city center still exists, the designation of UFGA such as roadside areas and areas around large-scale shopping centers is confirmed. The problem in setting UFGA in non-area divided cities are: 1) the city planning which has been in operation so far and does not correspond to the current urban situation, limits setting UFGA ; 2) UFGA is set based on standards that deviate from the actual living conditions of citizens; and 3) LNP has limited measures to regulate commercial development outside UFGA as Urbanization control areas are not designated in non-area divided city.