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Journal of CPIJ


Sat. Nov 6, 2021 12:40 PM - 3:00 PM 第V会場 (共通講義棟C EL43)

司会:大森 宣暁(宇都宮大学)、谷本 圭志(鳥取大学)

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM

[56] Changes in Consciousness of Users and Drivers brought by Community Car-sharing Service

Masashi Kuwano1, ○Kaho Masutani1, Taku Moriyama1, Mio Hosoe1 (1. Tottori Univ.)

Keywords:Community Car-Sharing, Cooperative Ride sharing, Rural City

Deterioration of public transport business owing to a decrease in the number of users has affected local traffic in rural cities. As a result, most inhabitants use cars as the daily transportation modes to travel with long distance to go to commodity shops and hospitals, and elders who cannot drive by themselves tend to depend on pick-up service provided by household members or taxes. One of the approaches applied as a solution is a community car-sharing service that provides opportunities for weak people to travel. This study conducted a questionnaire survey for users and drivers of community car-sharing services named “Nagae SasaeAi CarShare Club” in Nagae District, Yonago city, to clarify changes in the user’s travel behaviors and consciousness before and after the introduction of community car-sharing services.